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John Lewis & Partners Boys' Rock Star Gorilla T-Shirt, Grey

John Lewis & Partners Boys' Rock Star Gorilla T-Shirt, Grey

Budding Rock Stars will love this fun T Shirt from our collection. This clever tee has a ready made layered look with short sleeves overlaying longer ones. It's been made from pure

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John Lewis and Partners Boys Rock Star Gorilla TShirt Grey

Brand: John Lewis & Partners

List Price: £12.00

Price Range: £12.00 - £12.00

from 1 retailers

Price trend for John Lewis and Partners Boys Rock Star Gorilla TShirt Grey is SameSet Price AlertOur Best Price

(£12.00 + £3.50 p&p)

Budding Rock Stars will love this fun T Shirt from our collection. This clever tee has a ready made layered look with short sleeves overlaying longer ones. It's been made from pure cotton designed for comfort and softness and decorated with a rock star gorilla print complete with shiny foil detail. The Better Cotton Initiative BCI is a not for profit organisation who exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in, and better for the sector's future. BCI works with partners around the world such as WWF, Solidaridad and Cotton Connect to train farmers to produce cotton more sustainably. By buying cotton products from John Lewis, you're supporting the training of these farmers to use water efficiently, care for the health of the soil and natural habitats, reduce the use of the most harmful chemicals and apply principles of fair and decent work.

12 years,11 years,10 years,9 years,8 years,7 years,6 years,5 years,4 years,3 years,2 years
  • Budding Rock Stars will love this fun T Shirt from our collection. This clever tee has a ready made layered look with short sleeves overlaying longer ones. It's been made from pure cotton designed for comfort and softness and decorated with a rock star gorilla print complete with shiny foil detail. The Better Cotton Initiative BCI is a not for profit organisation who exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in, and better for the sector's future. BCI works with partners around the world such as WWF, Solidaridad and Cotton Connect to train farmers to produce cotton more sustainably. By buying cotton products from John Lewis, you're supporting the training of these farmers to use water efficiently, care for the health of the soil and natural habitats, reduce the use of the most harmful chemicals and apply principles of fair and decent work.....from John Lewis
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